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Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thank You, One Republic

If you haven't quite figured out, I'm incredible in love with this guy. 

His name is Don and after being great friends for several years, we begun dating and now next June, we'll be married. It's an amazing thing to be in love with your best friend. 

And today this special guys turns 24!! Happy Birthday, baby. 

In honor of his big day, I thought I'd share a post I wrote about 6 months ago. At the time, I didn't have a blog but felt all these thoughts and feelings coming and had to get them down. I didn't think I would ever actually share it with anyone. I love looking back on our relationship and reminiscing over so many sweet times. I feel so blessed to be marrying the love of my life.  

I hope you enjoy it and if you see or know Don, don't forget to wish him a very Happy Birthday!

Thank you, One Republic.

Today, I’m grateful for miscommunication and crushed dreams. I’m especially grateful for miscommunication among the staff of One Republic’s tour. You see this past summer, a certain friend of mine received a call from One Republic. They needed a stage manager and after looking over his resume, had decided he was the one for the job.

It all made sense. My friend was a recent college grad with a major in media comm and audio production. He had spent the last semester in Nashville, Tennessee learning the ins and outs of the music world. He had worked behind the scenes for numerous other bands and knew all the nitty gritty about mixing, mastering and recording music. He was also a musician. This guy can shred a guitar and write a song that will melt your heart (believe me, I know). My friend also has this incredible ability to get 5 or fewer hours of sleep and still be the most upbeat, friendly guy out there. All in all, he was perfect for this job.

So, from a small Podunk town in Indiana, he headed south to meet up with the band for the job of a lifetime.

One Republic, thank you for miscommunication.

About an hour and a half into the drive, he got another call. This one, not so exciting.
There had been a miscommunication among One Republic’s staff and the position he had been ecstatic for was somehow no longer available. (Side note: In the education world, you get fired for things like this but hey, this is the world of music-anything goes).

My friend was crushed. The job of a lifetime had just been pulled out from underneath him. He turned around, spent the night in Indianapolis with some old college friends and eventually headed back to the small town Indiana.

I’m grateful for crushed dreams.

You see, if that miscommunication hadn’t happened. If One Republic’s staff hadn’t made that mistake, if my friend hadn’t received that disappointing phone call, my life wouldn’t be the same.

If it wasn’t for that miscommunication,

Our group of friends never would have gone to that Indian’s game.

All of us bored with Indiana summers, decided to make the most of it and head out to an Indianapolis Indian’s game. The night was a blast (all 15 innings and 5 hours of it) and for the first time, our 3 year long friendship began to spark.  My mind began to wander about my good friend who had always been the life of the party, an incredible conversationalist and committed follower of Christ.

I’m grateful for crushed dreams.

If it wasn’t for that miscommunication,

We never would have gone to that drive-in.
The good ole arm stretch move never would have been pulled.
Miranda would never have had to keep her eyes glued to the screen to avoid looking back at us.
To avoid seeing the cuddling that was going on. Because who knew what this meant for our group of friends?

I sure didn’t.
But, I knew that as terrifying and unknown as it was, there was something equally as exciting and great.

I’m grateful for crushed dreams.

If it wasn’t for that miscommunication,

He never would have stayed in Indiana.
He never would have coached that team.
We never would have taken late night walks around that small town.
Or laid underneath the stars by the baseball field of the high school

If it wasn’t for that miscommunication,

He never would have led worship at that church.
Or kissed me for the first time in the sanctuary of that church.

If it wasn’t for that miscommunication,

He never would have asked me to be his girlfriend on that bike path that warm September evening.
Or moved into that house on Wigger St, where so many great memories were made.

You see, if it wasn’t for that miscommunication. If it wasn’t for that mix up of phone calls or texts or e-mails or whatever it was that impeded One Republic’s staff.

If it wasn’t for that one crushed dream,

I wouldn’t have found the love of my life.

So thank you, One Republic. Thank you for that call that while at the time seemed like the biggest letdown ended up being one of the greatest things imaginable. You kept him here in small town Indiana, where the fall was beautiful and the winter horrible.

But most of all, where our fairy tale began.

Thank you.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Learning, Living, and Listening in LA

“Put God First”

As I ended a phone conversation with a friend the other night, I asked her how I could be praying. Living on complete opposite coasts and focusing on our future careers (her via an internship and me student teaching), our conversation had revolved around what we were learning and how we were growing. She responded with this,

“Honestly, just that I would put God first. I know that sounds like the cliché Christian thing to say but that’s it.”

And while she was right, it was a cliché Christian phrase; it was exactly what I needed to hear and explained exactly where I am right now. Some of you may not know but, for me, the last three months have been a whirlwind.

Let me (briefly!) summarize:

 I returned from an amazing month long mission trip to Mexico on August 1 (see earlier blog posts for more details!). Almost directly upon arrival, I was in one of my best friend’s wedding, Christa (Doane) Houston. It was beautiful and a joy to celebrate with so many great friends.

Right after the wedding, I scurried back to Indiana to begin my first student teaching placement.  I was blessed to be at a great school with a great teacher and great kids. 2nd grade became my new favorite grade to teach.

Ending my first week of student teaching, I headed up to Michigan for a weekend trip with my Don. That weekend trip turned out to be the best of my life when Don asked me to marry him. It was a fairy tale proposal (which deserves its own post…more to come later!) and I am counting down the days till I marry my best friend (which currently resides at 242 FYI)

Wasn't Emily the most beautiful bride? 
Following our engagement bliss, I was a part of my sister’s wedding in September. It was a beautiful day for an amazing couple.

To top it all off, on October 18th, I hopped on a plane to LA to complete my second student teaching placement in the inner city. We arrived Saturday night and  jumped straight into teaching and observing the following Monday.  

So, to say the least, life lately has been crazy. Almost every bit of it has been the good kind of crazy though. I’m going on amazing adventures, learning from incredible teachers, teaching the best kids, celebrating milestones with friends and family and planning the wedding of my dreams with the love of my life. I could not ask for anything better in life right now. But, the fact is, even the good kind of crazy can be distracting. And as I hung up with my best friend that night, I felt that phrase hit me like a ton of bricks:

“Put God First”

Upon arrival to LA, I was confused. I wasn’t quite sure why God had me here. I’m student teaching at an awesome school, LACS (Los Angeles Christian School) and when I had applied for the program exactly a year ago, it had sounded perfect. An opportunity to serve in the inner city and explore the great state of California. What more could you want?  

But now, with all the changes and crazy good things going on in my life, I wasn’t quite sure why I had left it all back in the Midwest to come to this busy, dirty city. Yet, through the words of my friend, God reminded me:
 “Put God First”

With all the crazy great things happening back home, I had been forgetting to put God first. I hadn’t been ignoring Him, per say, but I was definitely not making Him the number 1 priority in my life. Coming to LA, I have been reminded how important it is to put God first. Away from the noise and excitement of my life, God has revealed to me several important reasons why He has to be first:

1.    14 5th grade girls and boys that I work with everyday.
Working at a Christian school provides an awesome opportunity to have deep conversations with my students and teach them about who God is and what He has done. After observing the first week, I realized just what an important job this is and how imperative it is that I must be right with God. My students trust me to be teaching them truth and to have all the answers (Hah!) about His word. The Lord knows that I will NEVER have all of the answers. I do know however that when I am not putting Him first in my life, I’m setting myself up as a bad example for my students. It is when I am closest to the Lord and making Him a priority that my life exhibits the most truth and Christ-likeness. My students need to see this. (Not to mention my patience is about a million times better when I’m spending time with the Lord.) It’s a high calling to be a teacher and an even higher calling to teach kids about God, I want to assure that I’m doing the best job I can.

2.    My fiancé and soon-to-be husband.
Although we have been engaged for over 2 months, it was until recently I began to ponder the reality of what it means to be united with someone else in marriage. Yes, I’ve thought about how we’re going to share a house, how we’re going to orchestrate a budget and how we’re going to live together day in and day out. But, not till my phone call the other night did I realize how my spiritual life is going to affect Don. My prayer life no longer matters to just me but to him as well. My faith and willingness to listen to the Lord not only affects my decisions but ours as a family. The truth of the oneness of our future hit me hard and greatly impelled me to put God first. Not because I’m trying to avoid some kind of fire and brimstone punishment if I don’t get this all right. Rather, because I know that my life is better when my prayer life is stronger and I desire a marriage that is strong because of a prayer life that is strong.    

3.    My apartment mates
Here in L.A., I’m living with 3 other pretty amazing women (Renae, Sarah and Megan). We all get along really well. In fact, we even agree enough to share groceries (some of them anyways. :p) We’ve been on some pretty cool adventures so far (LA public transportation, Hillsong Church, Hollywood and even a mouse in our apartment). Living with them is great but I’ll be honest, our apartment is small. One bedroom. One bathroom. 4 girls. Yikes. Right now, life is smooth. But, we all know the time will come when suddenly this apartment seems much smaller and the desire to be alone stronger. When that time comes, I want to be in a place spiritually where I am best equipped to love and be at peace with my roommates. I don’t want my own selfish desires to get in the way of these friendships. I know that I am better apartment mate and friend when I’m close to Him. 

4.    He is worthy. 
Last but definitely not least, this reason could stand on its own. This past Sunday morning we attended Hillsong Church in downtown LA. As I was standing there worshipping with the other attenders, I felt the most amazing sense of peace fall over me. Despite all my anxieties and uncertainties about being in LA, God was reminding me that He has a plan. He is the creator of the Universe, lover of my soul and deliverer from my sins. While I may have no idea of my purpose here (although now a week into teaching, I can quickly think of 14) or even what tomorrow will hold, He does. He is worthy of being first in my life and if I simply allow Him to lead, I have nothing to be anxious or uncertain about.

So as I head to bed tonight, I praise God for this amazing opportunity, these exciting last couple of months, a loving fiancé, and supportive friends with just the right the words. But above all, I praise God for who He is and that no matter where I am---be it Mexico, Indiana or California---He is with me, He loves me, He is in control and He is worthy of being first in my life. 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Living the Life

I am living the life. 
Some of the staff and interns at San Jose last Wednesday.
We hosted a Mini Olympics for all the girls at Casa Hogar, a
Catholic children's home. It was a blast!

I'm currently in Cancun, Mexico-one of the most beautiful vacations spots in the world. 

I work with and learn from an amazing staff who love what the do and who they serve. 

My fellow interns are quickly becoming some of my best friends. 

Every day, I see God in the work we do and the children we serve. 

Every day, I get to play with and serve children.

Last week I was able to see a young girl Vanessa open up and blossom. The first time I met her, she would barely talk to me. But, our second time together, after bonding over jump roping and drawing, we became the best of friends. She has a heart for art and a sweet personality and I have the opportunity to get to know her more and encourage these passions and talents. 

I get to see the ocean often and eat Mexican food almost every day.   

Despite all these things, today...I was spent

I woke up feeling homesick and exhausted. 

In fact a text to my boyfriend Don contained these exact words:

"I'm homesick. I mostly miss you. And my friends and family. And American food. And the freedom of running my own life." 

Despite all the beauty and love and laughter that I've found in Mexico, today, I was simply done. I didn't want to spend long hours in the sun. I didn't want to run back and forth doing intern things. I was sick of sweating, sick of my brain hurting from translating and speaking Spanish and honestly, I was sick of pouring into others. Yes, you can call me a bad Christian. But after 3 weeks of serving God and serving others, I wanted to crawl back into my bed and stay there all day-forget everyone else. 

Our site director, Erick had it right when he quoted a minster friend: 

"Everyone jumps at the chance to serve. But most are not ready to be a servant"

Today. I did not want to be a servant. 

But then, 
we arrived at Rosie's. 

Rosie is an amazing woman living and working in a neighborhood in Cancun called Bonfil. For 20 years, Rosie has served those in her neighborhood though a mission called Mision Educ-arte. There is a high percentage of single moms and tons of children in Bonfil. And all of them are poor, very poor. 20 years ago, in her backyard, Rosie began offering bible studies, English classes and meals to the children and mothers in her neighborhood every Saturday and Wednesday. Rosie was once like many of the single mothers in her neighborhood but her life was radically changed when she found the Lord and today her joyful spirit spills into the lives of anyone and everyone who meets her. Back2Back partners with Rosie to provide holistic care to those children in her neighborhood. 

We were at Rosie's to build 2 picnic tables and some chairs for a cuartaria (basically an apartment building with a common courtyard) where many of the kids who attend Rosie's program live. We also had a cookout for the entire neighborhood after our very long work day. Before we began, however, we had "Coffee with Jesus," a devotion led by Rosie. 

It was here that I remembered why I'm here and who I serve. 

In light of all my discouraged feelings, Rosie reminded me of who it is I serve, who we serve. 

She reminded me that we serve a 

Matchless in every way 

A God who gave his very life so that I might have mine. A God who is altogether lovely, altogether worthy and altogether wonderful to me. A God who does not merely ask me to constantly pour out to others but invites, and often times begs, for me to come and rest in His presence. To delight in Him. 

A God to whom I can say "I AM YOURS!" 

For the past 2 days, I had been "me" focused. I thought about what I liked and didn't. Who I wanted to be around and didn't. How exhausted I was. All the work I had to do this week...me.me.me. 

My thoughts were so focused on myself that I was completely disregarding the amazing God I serve. And more than that, I was forgetting the opportunity that I have, everyday to come to Him and be refreshed and renewed. 

John 10:10 reads:

"The thief comes only to kill and destroy. I came that they have new life and may have it abundantly."

Everyday, my God offers me new life. An abundant life filled with joy and peace. He doesn't ask that I do anything to receive it. I must merely come and rest in Him, in His glorious presence. 

So with that, tonight I go to bed with a peaceful heart. Rosie's devotion inspired me and rejuvenated me to take on the day. I felt the Spirit giving me the energy I knew I did not personally have. 

Yes, I'm still tired. Yes, the Cancun sun is still ridiculously hot. And yes, I still miss home

But despite all that, I rest in the presence of an almighty God who loves and refreshes me. 

And for THIS reason, I am living the life. 

Saturday, July 12, 2014

New Country. New Blog. New Life.

Hi! Welcome to my blog!

For those of you who know me, I promise not to waste your time writing out superficial information about myself that you probably already know. And plus, I never like those "talk about yourself" times anyways. Too much to say and too little time! (And then you end up standing up in front of an entire class saying things like, "In my free time, I like to paint my nails." Wait..maybe that's just me)...anyways, you get the point. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy my posts.

For those of you who don't me, thanks for visiting! I'm glad you're here and I hope that by reading my blogs now and in the future (if I keep this thing going that is. :p). You'll get to know me a little better; my dreams, my passions and what it is that inspires me to strive for a life that goes beyond simply existing.

That's actually one of the reasons I started this blog. I desire to live a life that goes beyond existing. This blog will serve as a way for me to record and reflect on that desire. 

Last spring break, me and a group of students from Taylor University traveled down to Cancun, Mexico for a Spring Break mission trip. It was the trip of a lifetime. We saw God move in huge ways and were broken for the orphans of Mexico. It was on that trip that I came to the realization that I was putting my life in a box. I'm a planner. (more on that to come later, then my blog's title will make more sense too!) I like to plan everything and I had a pretty good (but also mediocre) plan for my life. In Cancun, God reminded me of just how great and powerful He is, and that if I would shift from my plans to His plans, I would encounter a life far better than I could ever imagined. God followed through with that promise (as He always does!) and our journey has brought me to where I am today, back in Mexico!

I'm currently serving as an intern with Back2Back Ministries (the same ministry my TU team served with). Back2Back has many sites throughout Mexico and the rest of the world. They exist to serve the orphans of the world. Currently, there are 163,000,000 orphans in the world. Back2Back works to bring them out of poverty and into the truth of God's plan for their lives.
Maddie, Lindsey, Korrin, Me, Justin, Caleb
Our first day at the Group House playing ice breakers. With this one,
we were arranging ourselves by height, with no eyes! Nothing like bopping each
other on the head and running into each other to get to know someone! 

This July, me and 4 other interns (Lindsey, Korrin, Caleb, Justin. And, Maddie the nanny!) are down here to support the staff and help lead teams that come down to serve. I've been here for one week and it as been amazing. God has been at work among the interns. We haven't been here very long yet already feel like family! Every night we take an intern walk. The conversations, jokes and laughter that comes from them is awesome. I love these people!

Serving the children of Cancun is such a huge privilege. When most people think of Cancun, they think of hotels, resorts and beaches. Flashy, expensive and touristy are all words that come to mind. And while all those words are accurate, what many don't know (and neither did I till Back2Back!) is that Cancun is also a very young (only 40 years old) and poor city. The Mexican government created Cancun specifically for tourism. Before the hotels and shopping centers sprung up, it was jungles and beaches. In fact, last night on our intern outing, Jimmy, one of the national Back2Back staff members, pointed out the 1 hotel that existed in Cancun when his parents arrived 33 years ago. Now, the Hotel Zone exists as a 27 mile strip of roughly 100 hotels! Crazy! Once the city developed, many Mexican people flooded Cancun to look for work. However, once they arrived, many did not have the necessary specific or English skills to get jobs. As a result, shanty towns developed around the edges of Cancun and a cycle of generational poverty ensued. The children we serve are products of this generational poverty and the many consequences of it. Throughout my posts, you'll see some of what they face and how we are working to help them. We strive to provide holistic care that'll enable them to not only climb out of the pit of poverty but also to become thriving children of God that are able to live the incredible lives He intends for them. We hope to see these children achieve far more than financial stability but to realize their true potential and achieve their dreams. This summer Back2Back's theme is "RE" It's inspired by 

Revelations 21:5
"He who was sitting on the throne said, "I am making all things new!"

Me & Jessica at Rosie's. 
Rosie is an amazing women of God who
operates a community center out of her home in her
neighborhood, Bonfil. On Sunday, I was able to teach an English
lesson to the kids there, what an experience!
While Satan may have intended for condemnation and separation for these children, God intends for redemption and reconciliation. As Back2Back's founder, Beth Guckenberger says:

"He is bringing them back to where it all started."

He has incredible plans for these children. I am excited and feel so blessed that He has chosen to use us, to use Back2Back, to use me, to bring His promise of new life to His children.